
Goals & Tasks

Global Green Group - The Earth was established to achieve goals in the field of life environmental protection, protection of environmental human rights and education in the field of environmental protection and sustainable agricultural development, as well as the promotion of scientific and cultural cooperation between the Republic Serbia and Japan. These are the following goals and tasks:

  1. Linking science and society;
  2. Promoting responsible research and innovation;
  3. Protection and promotion of social and economic human rights, as well as support for young people and the elderly;
  4. Promotion of good quality education in the field of environmental protection and sustainable development;
  5. Promotion of healthy food production;
  6. Establishing cooperation between researchers from the Republic of Serbia, Japan and other countries;
  7. Establishing cooperation between schools of similar education profiles from the Republic of Serbia and Japan and fostering friendship between the people of Japan and Serbia;
  8. Realizing all other goals that can contribute to the development or promotion of issues of relevance to the Global Green Group - Earth.


In order to achieve its goals, the Association undertakes the following activities:

  1. Linking science and society through the organization of professional meetings, popular science meetings, consultations, seminars, documentary filming and other forms of education and professional development in this field;
  2. Promoting responsible research and innovation;
  3. Cooperation with universities, schools, professional associations and other organizations in the country and abroad dealing with the same or similar activities;
  4. Organization of experts for work on scientific, expert and research projects in the field of environmental protection;
  5. Promote the protection and advancement of social and economic human rights and support talented young people;
  6. Promoting quality education in the field of environmental protection, sustainable development and circular economy by promoting the importance of developing awareness of nature conservation and the right to a healthy environment;
  7. Promotion of healthy food production and the use of natural organic and inorganic materials for the sustainable development of agriculture;
  8. Establishing cooperation between researchers from the Republic of Serbia, Japan;
  9. Establishing cooperation between schools of similar educational profiles from the Republic of Serbia and Japan;
  10. Fosters friendship between the people of Japan and the Republic of Serbia, through the promotion of culture, art, science and technology;
  11. Undertaking all adequate measures and activities for achieving socially responsible goals and goals of the Association, through the active work of the organs of the Association and members of the Association;
  12. The Association undertakes all other types of activities that are in line with the goals and principles of the Global Green Group - Earth.